

From early times to present, Marquette County has had a rich tradition of hunting. Blessed with thousands of acres of wetlands and lakes, this area is a waterfowler’s dream; mallard, teal, woodduck, gadwall, pintail, scaup and ringbill are common residents and transients each fall. And, with more than 350,000 Canada geese stopping off at Grand River, Germania and other area marshes, there’s more than enough to go around for the hunters.

Deer, of course, remain the most sought-after game Marquette County has to offer. Hunters enjoy great success when pursuing the wary whitetail, so plentiful in this area.

For the upland gamebird hunter – Marquette County offers a mixed bag of ruffed grouse, woodcock, pheasant, and bob-white quail.

Cottontail rabbit, red and gray squirrels are always plentiful. Red and gray foxes, and their cousins – the coyotes – are also common in the county, and are often hunted in the winter months using a predator call. Raccoon populations are soaring as well, and are a favorite quarry for nighttime hunters and their dogs.

Although much of Marquette County is private land, many landowners will give permission to hunt, if the hunter
only asks. Public hunting areas also provide land
and water to pursue most of the huntable species
found in this county.

With so much game, and so many places to hunt,
it’s easy to see why Marquette County has always
been called “a Sportsman’s Paradise”!

Montello Area
DNR Field Office / Ranger Station
Hwy 22 North
P.O. Box 430
Montello, WI 53949
Phone: (608) 297-2888

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